
How to separate strings in a list, multiplied by a number

I need to take a list, multiply every item by 4 and separate them by coma.

My code is:

conc = ['0.05 ml : 25 ml', '0.05 ml : 37.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 50 ml', '0.05 ml : 62.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 75 ml']
new_conc = [", ".join(i*4) for i in conc]

But when I run it, I get every SYMBOL separated by come. What I need is multiplied number of shown EXPRESSIONS separated by coma.

So the output should be:

['0.05 ml : 25 ml', '0.05 ml : 25 ml', '0.05 ml : 25 ml', '0.05 ml : 25 ml', '0.05 ml : 37.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 37.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 37.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 37.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 50 ml', '0.05 ml : 50 ml', '0.05 ml : 50 ml', '0.05 ml : 50 ml', '0.05 ml : 62.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 62.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 62.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 62.5 ml', '0.05 ml : 75 ml', '0.05 ml : 75 ml', '0.05 ml : 75 ml', '0.05 ml : 75 ml']

I found this answered question, but as I already mentioned, I get separate symbols, separated by coma.


  • You can use a simple for loop.

    new_conc = []
    for item in conc:
        new_conc.extend([item] * 4)