I'm having trouble with prettyphoto outputting the video embed links in the wrong order for unlisted videos, resulting in the video player stating that the video does not exist.
Background: the video link will be something like this:
The output becomes:
As you can see, the unlisted video hash gets appended to the end of the link. It SHOULD look like this:
Note the hash "h=abcde" comes after the video id "12345".
Prettyphoto uses the code below to output the video player:
case 'vimeo':
pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
movie_id = pp_images[set_position];
var regExp = /http(s?):\/\/(www\.)?vimeo.com\/(\d+)/;
var match = movie_id.match(regExp);
movie = 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/'+ match[3] +'?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0';
if(settings.autoplay) movie += "&autoplay=1;";
vimeo_width = pp_dimensions['width'] + '/embed/?moog_width='+ pp_dimensions['width'];
toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g,vimeo_width).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{path}/g,movie);
How can I edit this match expression so that the player link outputs correctly? I feel like this should be easy, but I can't figure it out.
In case it's any use to anyone. I've figured out part of the solution to this.
I updated the Vimeo portion of the prettyphoto code to this:
case 'vimeo':
pp_dimensions = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport
movie_id = pp_images[set_position];
var regExp = /^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com\/(\d+)\/(\w+)/;
var match = movie_id.match(regExp);
var videoId = match[1];
var videoHash = match[2];
movie = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'+ videoId +'?h=' + videoHash +'&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0';
if(settings.autoplay) movie += "&autoplay=1&";
else movie += "&autoplay=0&";
vimeo_width = pp_dimensions['width'] + '/embed/?moog_width='+ pp_dimensions['width'];
toInject = settings.iframe_markup.replace(/{width}/g,vimeo_width).replace(/{height}/g,pp_dimensions['height']).replace(/{path}/g,movie);
The only thing I couldn't get around is that somehow someway, it's still appending the hash string to the end of the output URL. I couldn't figure out how to stop that from happening, so I just added the "&" after the autoplay parameter, and Vimeo seems to allow that.
Working for now, but a bit hacky.