I was trying to fit a linear regression model using the lm
function on a dataset (in R):
model <-lm(DLP~gender+Kvp120+mAs+length+gantry+device_age+detectors+scanner2,data = data)
and here were the results:
(Intercept) gender Kvp120 mAs length gantry
-137.258 22.249 144.124 0.555 49.914 -171.097
device_age detectors scanner2
-14.712 -48.284 192.903
Then I tried to do the Wild Bootstrapping for Heteroskedastic data using the "fwildclusterboot" library:
wb1 <- boottest(model,param = "mAs",B = 2000)
Then if I try to run the "wb1" object, I get this message:
Error in round(x[[y]], digits = digits) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
What is the solution?
I tried searching on Google to solve my problem, but nothing appeard to match exactly my problem ... I thought I should change the decimals of all columns in my CSV sheet and unite them, and again nothing happened.
Nobody answered this question, but I finally found the solution. It was simple. The output of this function is not run-able (it does not have a built-in print of results when you run it), that's why it makes these errors. The solution is just to run: summary(output)