I'm preparing documentation for a project using the Sphinx readthedocs theme and Myst.
What I'd like to be able to do within a Myst file is to link to a footnote in another Myst file. For example, something like:
See {ref}`Footnote %s <example.md/footnote-label>` in the {ref}`examples` page.
It would be nice to have the footnote's number substituted for footnote-label
, but I'd settle for some way of putting in a link anchor to a footnote.
I have no problem with including links to section headers, anchors, equations, figures, etc. I also have no problems with footnotes within a given Myst-Markdown file. I'm rendering the documentation in HTML.
If there's a way to do this, it's not in the Myst documentation. I know I could do this by anticipating the name of the rendered HTML file; e.g.,
[this footnote](document-base/example.html#footnote-label)
but I'd prefer some method by which Sphinx/Markdown would resolve the reference for me.
Following Steve's suggestion, I gave it a try. If I had something like this near the top of the document:
I am writing a paragraph that requires a footnote.[^the-footnote]
[^the-footnote]: This is what a footnote looks like.
More stuff...
The link {ref}`my-footnote` would link to just before the "More stuff...", not to the bottom of the page where the footnote was.
It turns out that this questions was essentially already asked and answered:
Sphinx footnotes across pages or equivalent
I can't do what I'd like to do with footnotes across documents, using either Sphinx or Myst.