
How can I know when the scope changes within an abstract syntax tree?

Can someone help me with figuring out how to know when the scope changing while traversing the ast tree? I am using the esprima parser and I know that babel does this but I want to create my own to understand how it works and help increase my knowledge with using asts.

So how would I go about to knowing the scopes of each node?

var global = "I am in the global scope";

function scopeOne() {
  var one = "I am in the scope created by `scopeOne()`";

  function scopeTwo() {
    var two = "I am in the scope created by `scopeTwo()`";


  • The base idea is to determine how many scopes is upper then current node. For this purpose we need to check:

    Then we just increase counter of scopes, this way we can distinguish them in the similar to Babel way.

    Here is how it can look like written in 🐊Putout, tool I'm working on:

    export const traverse = () => {
        let uid = 0;
        return {
            'BlockStatement|Program'(path) {
                console.log('babel scope', path.scope.uid);
                console.log('our scope', ++uid);

    For code like this:

    var global = "I am in the global scope";
    function scopeOne() {
      var one = "I am in the scope created by `scopeOne()`";
      function scopeTwo() {
        var two = "I am in the scope created by `scopeTwo()`";
    if (a > 3) {

    It outputs:

