
showNotification is not there anymore

I am using the latest version "@mantine/notifications": "^5.10.4", but the example for notifications isn't working because showNotification doesn't exist. Do you know what may be the problem?

import React from 'react';
import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
import { useNotifications } from '@mantine/notifications';

function Demo() {
  const notifications = useNotifications();

  return (
    <Group position="center">
        onClick={() =>
            title: 'Default notification',
            message: 'Hey there, your code is awesome! 🤥',
        Show notification


  • You should not be using the useNotifications hook to send your message, but rather import the shownotification function from the @mantine/notifications package and use it directly in your code. Your code should be rewritten like this:

    import React from 'react';
    import { Group, Button } from '@mantine/core';
    import { showNotification } from '@mantine/notifications';
    function Demo() {
      return (
        <Group position="center">
            onClick={() =>
                title: 'Default notification',
                message: 'Hey there, your code is awesome! 🤥',
            Show notification