I'm studying about Appconfig
to change my service from parameter store
to Appconfig
I have two applications in AWS Appconfig want to delete.
-> I can't delete test
environment though I don't have any configuration under this app. There are 2 deployments under test
, but I deleted it.
BadRequestException: Cannot delete environment
because there are extensions associated with it.
Please remove the extension associations to this environment first.
There is no flag in configuration, and no any deployed environments but I can't delete kakao
configuration. I got error as bellow when I've tried to delete kakao
BadRequestException: Cannot delete configuration profile
because there are extensions associated with it.
Please remove the extension associations to this configuration profile first.
I've created lambda function to test appconfig, but I deleted every lambda function and permission policy now. I think there is no extensions associated with these, But I still can't delete these applications.
Can I check every associated extensions with appconfig? Or is there any different way to delete it?
Just list the extension associations related to your appconfig applications by using the aws cli:
aws appconfig list-extension-associations
Identify the extensions related to the appconfig application/environment you want to delete then delete these extension-associations using the aws cli again:
aws appconfig delete-extension-association --extension-association-id ewcd2yo
where ewcd2yo is our extension id from the list we got above.
Once all extensions linked to a given appconfig app are completely deleted, then you can successfully delete the app or environment.
Note: your aws cli must be configured to use the same region as the one you deployed your appconfig apps.