
Create python network graph from 3 dataframe columns unweighted using networkx and pyvis

Im working to create a python network graph utilizing the 3 pandas dataframe string columns - unweighted (python networks and pyviz)

I would like to link (nodes) the projects to country, and projects to company.

my table/dataframe is as follow;

Company Project Country
T-mobile 5G upgrade Germany
T-mobile Network upgrade Kuwait


  • Let's say the DataFrame containing your data is df (and it has three columns, i.e. "Company", "Project" and "Country". This would be a possible solution:

    import networkx as nx
    import pandas as pd
    G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(
            'source': pd.concat((df['Project'], df['Project'])),
            'target': pd.concat((df['Company'], df['Country']))

    Here are the nodes and edges of G:

    >>> G.nodes
    NodeView(('5G upgrade', 'T-mobile', 'Network upgrade', 'Germany', 'Kuwait'))
    >>> G.edges
    EdgeView([('5G upgrade', 'T-mobile'), ('5G upgrade', 'Germany'),
    ('T-mobile', 'Network upgrade'), ('Network upgrade', 'Kuwait')])