I'm using jquery 1.11. Old code. I'm trying to emulate hide.bs.modal and eventually, hidden.bs.modal, show.bs.modal and shown.bs.modal.
(function($) {
var oldshow = $.fn.show;
var oldhide = $.fn.hide;
$.fn.show = function() {
return oldshow.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.modal.hide = function() { // <--never triggers
console.log(`hiding modal 1: `, this);
oldhide.apply(this, arguments);
return this.modal.hidden.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.hide.modal = function() { // <--never triggers
console.log(`hiding modal 2: `, this);
oldhide.apply(this, arguments);
return this.modal.hidden.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.hide = function() { // <---this triggers
console.log(`hiding modal 3: `, this);
oldhide.apply(this, arguments);
return this.modal.hidden.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.modal.hidden = function() {
if (this.tagName === `dialog` || this.attr(`role`) === `dialog`) {
return this.trigger(`modal.hidden`);
$(`#addProductModal`).on(`modal.hidden`, function() { // <-- works from $.fn.hide
console.log(`we triggered on hidden`);
My assumption, obviously incorrect, is when I used
that my $.fn.modal.hide function would fire. This is not the case. But my $.fn.hide function does fire. I'm not getting any errors. It's just the function I expected to fire is not firing.
How do I make this work?
Thank you.
This is not close to complete or even correct by any stretch but it's what I needed to do. I was going about defining the functions all wrong.
(function($) {
$.fn.modal = function() {
if (arguments[0] === `hide`) {
this.attr(`state`, `hidden`).css({"z-index": 0, "display":`none`}).removeClass(`in`);
if ($(`dialog:visible, [role="dialog"]:visible`).length === 0) {
return this.trigger(`modal.hidden`);
if (arguments[0] === `show`) {
console.log(`showing: `,this);
if ($(`.modal-backdrop`).length===0) {
$(`body`).append(`<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>`);
const modalBackDropZIndex = $(`.modal-backdrop`).css(`z-index`);
let maxZIndex = +modalBackDropZIndex;
$(`dialog:visible, [role="dialog"]:visible`).each(function() {
const thisDlg = $(this);
if (+thisDlg.css(`z-index`) > maxZIndex) {
maxZIndex = +thisDlg.css(`z-index`);
maxZIndex = Math.max(+modalBackDropZIndex, +maxZIndex) + 100;
this.attr(`state`, `visible`).css(`z-index`, +maxZIndex).css(`display`,`block`).addClass(`in`);
return this.trigger(`modal.shown`);
$.fn.modal.hidden = function() {
if (this.tagName === `dialog` || this.attr(`role`) === `dialog`) {
// return this.trigger(`modal.hidden`);
$.fn.modal.shown = function() {
if (this.tagName === `dialog` || this.attr(`role`) === `dialog`) {
// return this.trigger(`modal.shown`);