I am getting error during applying YAML config to AWS K8s cluster:
couldn't create node group filter from command line options:
loading config file "K8s-nodegroups/group_test.yaml": error unmarshaling JSON:
while decoding JSON: json: unknown field "fullEc2Access"
Here is the command which I am using:
eksctl create nodegroup -f K8s-nodegroups/group_test.yaml
And here is my YAML:
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig
name: some-cluster-name
region: eu-west-2
- name: "group-test"
instanceType: t3.small
desiredCapacity: 1
- eu-west-2a
- eu-west-2b
maxSize: 2
minSize: 1
fullEc2Access: true
spot: true
maxPodsPerNode: 100
volumeSize: 8
volumeType: gp3
labels: { group: test }
And there is not error related to fullEc2Access
, if I remove it I will get next one:
...error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: unknown field "spot"
Why my file is trying to precess like a JSON? How I can fix it, I got this example form docs and checked it many times.
I know that I can use "one line" command to create nodegroup, but I want to use YAML. How it is possible to fix it?
I tried eksctl 0.131.0
and 0.128.0
versions - same errors.
fullEc2Access does not exists as a property in the schema, spot is a property of ManagedNodeGroup, not NodeGroup.
See EKS Config File Schema for further info, or you can print the default schema using the command
eksctl utils schema