
How do I use nested integral functions to find a double integral in fortran?

I am trying to find the volume under a shape defined by h(x,y)

I have the following function which uses the Simpson Rule to integrate a one-dimensional function

double precision function INTEGRAL2(FUNC,a,b,N)
! ***  numerical integration (Simpson-rule) with equidistant spacing      ***
  implicit none
  double precision,external :: FUNC                    ! the function to be integrated
  double precision,intent(in) :: a,b                   ! boundary values
  integer,intent(in) :: N                    ! number of sub-intervals
  double precision :: dx,x1,x2,xm,f1,f2,fm,int         ! local variables
  integer :: i
  dx  = (b-a)/DBLE(N)                        ! x subinterval
  x1  = a                                    ! left   
  f1  = FUNC(a)
  int = 0.d0
  do i=1,N
    x2  = a+DBLE(i)*dx                       ! right
    xm  = 0.5d0*(x1+x2)                      ! midpoint
    f2  = FUNC(x2)
    fm  = FUNC(xm)
    int = int + (f1+4.d0*fm+f2)/6.d0*(x2-x1) ! Simpson rule
    x1  = x2
    f1  = f2                                 ! save for next subinterval
  INTEGRAL2 = int

How do I use this to find the double integral of h(x,y)? Note h(x,y) is not reducible to h(x)*h(y), and I want to use this function nested, rather than modifying it/writing a function to do double integration.

I'm fundamentally stuck on the concept of writing the code, but I suspect using a module will be crucial.


  • Think how Simpson's rule can be derived in 1-d. You divide the domain into pairs of intervals, fit a quadratic curve to each set of 3 points and integrate that. Well, you can do the same in 2-d (or higher) - fit a bi-quadratic by Lagrange interpolation and integrate that; the weights turn out to be the same in each direction - [1,4,1]dx/3 for a 2.dx interval - as for Simpson's rule.

    function func( x, y )                            ! function to be integrated
       use iso_fortran_env
       implicit none
       real(real64) func
       real(real64), intent(in) :: x, y
       func = exp( -0.5 * ( x ** 2 + y ** 2 ) )      ! bi-gaussian - should integrate to 2.pi for large domains
    end function func
    function integrate2d( f, x1, x2, y1, y2, nx, ny ) result( res )
       use iso_fortran_env
       implicit none
       real(real64), external :: f                   ! a function of the 2 variables x and y
       real(real64) res
       real(real64), intent(in) :: x1, x2, y1, y2    ! limits of integration
       integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny                 ! numbers of intervals (MUST be EVEN)
       real(real64) dx, dy                           ! interval widths
       real(real64), dimension(-1:1), parameter :: wt = [ 1.0_real64 / 3, 4.0_real64 / 3, 1.0_real64 / 3 ]
                                                     ! weights in each direction (same as Simpson's rule)
       integer i, j, p, q
       real(real64) x, y
       dx = ( x2 - x1 ) / nx
       dy = ( y2 - y1 ) / ny
       res = 0.0
       do j = 1, ny - 1, 2
          y = y1 + j * dy
          do i = 1, nx - 1, 2
             ! Consider a local rectangle 2.dx by 2.dy
             x = x1 + i * dx
             do p = -1, 1
                do q = -1, 1
                   res = res + wt(p) * wt(q) * f( x + p * dx, y + q * dy )
                end do
             end do
          end do
       end do
       res = res * dx * dy
    end function integrate2d
    program main
       use iso_fortran_env
       implicit none
       integer nx, ny
       real(real64) :: x1, x2, y1, y2
       real(real64), external :: func
       real(real64), external :: integrate2d
       nx = 100;   ny = 100
       x1 = -10.0;   x2 = 10.0
       y1 = -10.0;   y2 = 10.0
       print *, "Integral value is ", integrate2d( func, x1, x2, y1, y2, nx, ny )
    end program main

    Incidentally, there are better forms of quadrature (e.g. gaussian quadrature) that you might like to look up.