I am designing a new Digital vcard, Name, phone, address etc. it generate Qrcode when we scan that all the details is import to mobile phone device but i am not able to upload photo/ logo. how can I merge uploaded photo to vCard. Please guide and suggest I am new to Flutter.
I want to generate QRcode with vcard details. everything is working fine but facing issues to import uploaded image, when I scan QRcode all the details are directly import to contact with help of Vcard plugin. but I failed to import image from QR code via vcard.
Thank you
To share the generated qr code. Add path_provider, screenshot packages
//Define a controller for screenshot
ScreenshotController controller = ScreenshotController();
//Wrap your QrImageView with Screenshot
controller: controller,
child: QrImageView(
data: data,
foregroundColor: foregroundColor,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(padding),
embeddedImage: image,
eyeStyle: QrEyeStyle(
eyeShape: eyeShape,
color: foregroundColor,
dataModuleStyle: QrDataModuleStyle(
dataModuleShape: dataModuleShape,
color: foregroundColor,
//Now on click of a button
onPressed: () async {
final list = await controller.capture();
//controller.capture() will capture the widgets wrapped inside Screenshot()
if (list != null) {
final directory = (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path;
File imgFile = File(
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
await Share.shareFiles(
text: 'hi this is the text',
).catchError((e) {
debugPrint('Error: $e');
icon: const Icon(Icons.send))
//working in android but in ios only text or image can be share at one time