Below is a simple Roboflow Yolo segmentation code that I am running on Colab.
The pre-trained model works fine on 1 sample image. The only thing that matters here is the model
, which is an instance segmentation model. The result of prediction
returns labels and coordinates of detected objects in json format.
!pip install roboflow
rf = Roboflow(api_key="YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY")
workspace = rf.workspace("workspace-id")
project = workspace.project("model-id")
version = project.version("version-number")
model = version("version-number").model
prediction = model.predict("/content/sample 1.jpg")
# Plot the prediction
# Convert predictions to JSON
But I have a hard time modifying the script.
Question 1: I searched and tried every code but still can not figure out how to save the return json file. Can you help me to add a code to save the json file(prediction in this case)to a specific location that has a same file name as input image?
Question 2: I simply dragged a sample image to content to test. And now I am trying to process every image in a google drive. I can link a specific folder using the below code, but how can make so all images on the drive can be processed automatically?
from google.colab import drive
Question 1 - updating the imgfile_location variable will update the image you predict on, and save the JSON file of the predictions with the corresponding file name:
from roboflow import Roboflow
from google.colab import files, drive
import os
def safe_create_path_parent(path: str) -> None:
path_parent = os.path.dirname(path)
os.makedirs(path_parent, exist_ok=True)
def dump_to_json(target_path: str, content: dict) -> None:
with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(content, outfile, indent=4)
rf = Roboflow(api_key="YOUR_PRIVATE_API_KEY")
workspace = rf.workspace("workspace-id")
project = workspace.project("model-id")
version = project.version("version-number")
model = version("version-number").model
imgfile_location = "/content/sample 1.jpg"
imgfile_name = Path(imgfile_location).name
prediction = model.predict(imgfile_location)
# Plot the prediction
# Convert predictions to JSON
predicted_result = prediction.json()
# Save JSON predictions to your computer
dump_to_json(imgfile_name, predicted_result)
EDIT: Question 2 - multiple images or a folder: raw_data_location = "INSERT_PATH_TO_IMG_DIRECTORY" for raw_data_extension in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', 'png'] globbed_files = glob.glob(raw_data_location + '/*' + raw_data_extension) for img_path in globbed_files: predictions = model.predict(img_path, confidence=40, overlap=30) # save prediction image'inferenceResult_{os.path.basename(img_path)}') predictions_json = predictions.json() print(predictions_json)