
Why will my python paths mess up my package import?

I installed pyautogui. I try to run this program. import pyautogui print(pyautogui.size()) It doesnt work with: enter image description here This is already strange to me as is not in .venv so why does it try to run it there: enter image description here

I had a whole weird construct anyways because I installed Inkscape years ago which changed my default python path apparently. I saw it here. I uninstalled inkscape in between first I got oen, then the other thing. enter image description here enter image description here

The first screenshot is how I even noticed that that is a problem.

So one problem is already solved.

Now I have the situation that by pressing the "play" button I get the error mentioned in the beginning. when I however type the command it works like a charm. enter image description here

See above.See above.


  • You have two installations of a python. One in Inkscape, which the one you invoke using the cli (try which python to see which binary is executed) That python has the pyautogui module installed, which is why when you run it from the command line using python, it works.

    However, when you use your IDE's "play button", it has been configured to use the python binary installed in the .venv folder (which is why you see in your traceback this .venv appearing. It's not the location of your script, but the python environment. And that environment doesn't have the pyautogui installed, hence the error you are getting.

    To solve this, either use the Inkscape python environment, and configure your IDE to use this environment, or install pyautogui in the environment in .venv