
Why does Pymodbus change baudrate when running on linux without requesting a baudrate change?

I have python3 program that acts as a Modbus Master. I start a ModbusSerialClient and then proceed to read register from the slave. This is working fine on Windows. The issue is that on Ubuntu I am seeing that the ModbusSerialClient keeps changing the baudrate which makes the communication inconsistent.

I start the communication with:

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient
            self.client = ModbusClient(
                method = 'rtu'
                ,port= self.port
                ,parity = 'N'
                ,RetryOnEmpty = True
                ,RetryOnInvalid = True
            self.connection = self.client.connect()
            # Some delay may be necessary between connect and first transmission

Where self.port = "COM_X" in Windows and self.port = "/dev/ttyS1" in Linux

And then I read the registers using:

rr = self.client.read_holding_registers(register_addr,register_block,unit=MODBUS_CONFIG_ID)
   # Proceed with the processing

The error I log in some ocasions is:

Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] No response received, expected at least 2 bytes (0 received)

I have verified the baudrate change physically measuring the signals. I have verified that with a command line tools like cu the baudrate remains consistent.

The verions I am using are:


  • The issue was confirmed to be caused by spike in the CPU caused by the dead SSD.