<mat-tab-group dynamicHeight>
<mat-tab label="Short tab">
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Common Div
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Nav 1
<mat-tab label="Long tab">
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Common Div
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Nav 2
How can I not use common div for each navigation?
Can make common div fix?
I want make common div at fix position and when I navigate just uncommon div should slide-down/move.
UPDATE Is possible to change the start point of content. As you see in below image, content 1 start from beginning from red arrow instead can change position to yellow arrow ? so at begging I can place common div.
If this is meant to be dynamic, do as stated in the commments.
If it is mean to be hard coded, make a re-usable component.
ng g my-component
Change the HTML in the new component to be
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Common Div
<div class="example-small-box mat-elevation-z4">
Add an input to the new component:
@Input() label: string = '';
import in your main component and use like so:
<mat-tab-group dynamicHeight>
<mat-tab label="Short tab">
<my-component [label]="Nav 1"></my-component>
<mat-tab label="Long tab">
<my-component [label]="Nav 2"></my-component>