
Syntax error in SQL statement to insert values into designated table

I created a SQL insert statement in VBA (Access Database).

I created a sub to run when a button is clicked, and expect the values to be inserted into the designated table.

I receive a syntax error.

Private Sub addAllocation_Click()
    Dim strSQL, user_id As String
    Dim rs As Recordset
    UserID = Left(Environ("USERNAME"), 15)
    If Me.newEffectiveDate = "" Or Me.newAmount = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please complete all required fields"     
    End If
    strSQL = "INSERT INTO Participant_Allocation(Transaction_ID, Participant_ID, Loan_ID, Allocation_Amount, " & _
      "Effective Date, Notes, user_ID) " & _
      "VALUES('" & Me.txtTransactionID & "' , '" & Me.cmbParticipantID.Column(3) & "' , '" & Me.cmbLoan & "' , '" & _
      Me.newAmount & "' , '" & Me.newEffectiveDate & "' , '" & Me.newNotes & "' , '" & UserID & "')"
    Debug.Print strSQL
    CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
    MsgBox ("Allocation has been entered.")
    Set rs = Nothing
End Sub


  • Avoid clumsy SQL and use the power of DAO for much cleaner code:

    Private Sub addAllocation_Click()
        Dim strSQL  As String
        Dim user_id As String
        Dim rs      As DAO.Recordset
        If IsNull(Me!newEffectiveDate.Value) Or IsNull(Me!newAmount.Value) Then
            MsgBox "Please complete all required fields."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        UserID = Left(Environ("USERNAME"), 15)
        strSQL = "Select * From Participant_Allocation"
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)
            rs!Transaction_ID.Value = Me!txtTransactionID.Value
            rs!Participant_ID.Value = Me!cmbParticipantID.Column(3)
            rs!Loan_ID.Value = Me!cmbLoan.Value
            rs!Allocation_Amount.Value =Me!newAmount.Value
            rs![Effective Date].Value = Me!newEffectiveDate.Value
            rs!Notes.Value = Me!newNotes.Value
            rs!user_ID.Value = UserID
        MsgBox "Allocation has been entered."
        Set rs = Nothing
    End Sub