
Thingsboard REST API - How to impersonate another tenant

When i'm logged in as sysadmin in the Gui, i can use Tenants → Manage Tenant Admins → Login as Tenant Admin to become a specific tenant admin.

How can i accomplish this, using the REST API?

I need to add/remove/modify devices on behalf of serveral tenants.

I tried to authenticate as sysadmin and use /api/tenant/devices hoping to have access to all devices. But this doesn't do the trick.


  • Sysadmin is not allowed to manage devices, tenant admins are allowed to mange them. Therefore, you need to impersonate a tenant admin. Assuming that you already know the user_id of the tenant admin, you can call to

       curl -X 'GET' \
          '{user_id_to_impersonate}/token' \
          -H 'accept: application/json' 

    Extract of Thingsboard documentation:

    Returns the token of the User based on the provided User Id. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'SYS_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any tenant administrator. If the user who performs the request has the authority of 'TENANT_ADMIN', it is possible to get the token of any customer user that belongs to the same tenant.

    Then you can use this token for accessing as another user.

    Notice those restrictions: you can impersonate a tenant admin from a System administrator and a user from a tenant admin.

    I hope this helps.