I'm trying to deploy a Nuxt 3 website on Plesk, compiled with yarn build. I therefore have the PUBLIC and SERVER folders, which I have on Plesk hosting.
I have the server.js file which is the following:
`const app = require('./.output/server/index.mjs'); const http = require('http');
I can't find a single guide for Nuxt 3, I need to start the application. From my understanding though, Phusion should start processes without launching a manual start command?
Thank you very much
I solved my problem, and it is way easier than I anticipated: What you need to do is simply create a server.js file, containing 1 line:
which is the file generated by nuxt3 in ./output/server/index.mjs.
That's all. I was definitely overcomplicating it coming from nuxt2, I hope it can save time to others.