
How to use LibFuzz on a C project that is not a library

I am trying to run libFuzz on a C project that usually compiles to an executable. The examples I found for libFuzz almost exclusively link with a library, i.e. a mylibary.a file. So I compiled the project with the normal Makefile, and combined the generated object files into a library with ar rcs a.o b.o etc.. Now I want to link this library file with the fuzzing target using clang++, but the linker is not able to find the implementation of the function I want to fuzz. The command I use for linking inside the src directory of the project is clang++ -Wall -fsanitize=fuzzer -Wno-cpp -Wpedantic -std=c++11 -O2 -g  -I/usr/include/libxml2 -g -O2 -rdynamic  -o fuzzing libmylib.a -lcurl -lxml2 -I. The error I get is "Undefined reference to function_xy()" So the compiler finds the import of the function but not the implementation of it. I am new to clang and generally building complex C projects so all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I tried compiling the project with the included Makefile, then combining the generated object files into a .a library and finally linking the library with my fuzzing target.


  • I found the solution and want to provide it for people with the same problem as me. I had to edit the Makefiles of the project to compile it correctly with the Fuzzer. More specifically, I changed the compiler to clang, modified the compiler flags (CFLAGs) to -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link to prevent it from linking with the main file of the project. Finally, I changed the linker flags (DFLAGs) to include the fuzzer with -fsanitize=fuzzer,address.