I have following code that establishes connections and listens for data from a websocket client
Server (nodejs)
const server = net.createServer((c) => {
console.log('client connected');
c.on('data',(data) => {
let parsedData = parseHTML(data)
// check if incoming data is an http request
if(typeof parsedData != "boolean" && parsedData.type == "GET" ){
let clientKey = parsedData.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]
// create an http response
let response = constructWebSocketHttpResponse(clientKey)
// print out websocket data
server.listen(8124, () => {
console.log('server bound');
Client (js in browser)
let ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.addEventListener('open', (event) => {
console.log("sending hello")
const fileInput = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("file")
const send = document.getElementById("send")
send!.addEventListener("click",() => {
The "hello" which gets sent when the page gets loaded, is received successfully by the server, and I'm able to parse that websocket frame. However, when I send a file and it gets fragmanted ONLY the first frame is received correctly in nodejs, each consecutive data seems either like gibberish or isn't formated well.
I checked with Wireshark to see what data I was actually receiving. If let's say in wireshark i got 19 websocket packets for a given file, I also got 19 console.log
outputs in my server-side code. However only the first packet, the initial hello frame and the first binary frame are received correctly others are completely different.
Solved, the problem was that I was getting data in TCP chunks, so I had to concatenate those chunks to get a full websocket frame. Sometimes you'd get a whole frame plus some data from the next frame so keep that in mind for anyone reading this in the future.