
VBA Excel Lookup on multiple conditions

I have two workbooks where I need to do a lookup in between and obtain a value. Workbook A with sheet "prices" needs to do a lookup for a specific price in Workbook B sheet "list" on multiple conditions in VBA Excel. I'm not sure how to solve it. With an Index/Match, a XLookup or maybe another solution.

Workbook A sheet "prices"

Workbook B sheet "list"

Workbook A sheet "prices" cell B5 needs to obtain the price from Workbook B sheet "list" cell D3 on the following conditions: a. the name "4Fruits" b. name of the fruit "Green Apple" c. the price must be marked yellow.

Hope someone can solve this, thanks :)


  • You can do this easily with MATCH inside an UDF. My example is just in the same workbook but it will work on different workbooks.

    enter image description here

    Formula in cell B4 is:


    Code of this UDF:

    Public Function GET_PRICE(ByVal RngPrices As Range, ByVal vPartner As String, vType As String) As Variant
    Dim vRow As Long
    Dim vColumn As Long
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
        vRow = .Match(vPartner, RngPrices.Columns(1), 0)
        vColumn = .Match(vType, RngPrices.Rows(1), 0)
    End With
    'check color
    If RngPrices.Cells(vRow, vColumn).Interior.Color = vbYellow Then
        GET_PRICE = RngPrices.Cells(vRow, vColumn).Value
        'not yellow, return N/A
        GET_PRICE = "Nope"
    End If
    End Function

    Notice this UDF will work only if the cells interior color is yellow (not Condittional formatting) and the partners name and products name are exactly the same.

    Now, let's erase yello color of Green apple and see how the function will not bring the price because the cell it's not yellow.

    enter image description here