
How to hide/ignore a field in swagger docs but set via spec/jolt file in spring-boot?

While writing an API that takes a model such as:

public class Plan
  private String param1;
  private String param2;

I want to hide/ignore this param2 in Swagger UI. I have used @JsonIgnore, this works for swagger UI but it considers my param2 as null when it is mapped in a spec file.

I have also tried using @ApiModelProperty(accessMode = ApiModelProperty.AccessMode.READ_ONLY), @ApiParam(hidden=true) it sets the param2 via jolt spec file but doesn't hide them in Swagger UI.

In short, these are the 2 things that I am trying to achieve:

  1. Hide field param2 in Swagger UI.
  2. At the same time, set param2 via jolt mapping in the spec file.

I have tried these solutions and none of them seems to work. Is it possible?


  • Fix dependency

    The dependency I was using was incompatible with some versions. After some research, I found a dependency that can hide a model attribute in Swagger-UI but doesn't interrupt any other flows (i.e: Mapping via jolt file). In your pom.xml:


    Hide parameter via @Schema

    In your model class, import:


    and above the parameter, write:

    @Schema(hidden = true)

    The model class would look like this:

    public class Plan
      private String param1;
      @Schema(hidden = true)
      private String param2;

    This would hide the param2 in Swagger-UI and you can still have access to setters/getters, and your other flows will remain uninterrupted.