
Azure AD B2C, 2 types of password, how to know which one?

This is the situation, Azure AD B2C custom policy: There are 2 types of passwords for my users, LongTermPasswords and temporary passwords.Long Term passwords must have at least 12 characters, and they follow a regular expression. Temporary passwords have at most 11 characters, and they don't follow a regular expression. This is the algorithm so far: if password matches regex => is long term password if password doesn't match regex => is temporary password. It is very important to know if the password is long term or temporary (a temporary password must follow a different flow). So I have created the following ClaimsTransformation:

<ClaimsTransformation Id="CheckIfLongTermPwd"
                    <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="password"
                                TransformationClaimType="claimToMatch" />
                    <InputParameter Id="matchTo"
                                    Value="__pwdRegEx__" />
                    <InputParameter Id="outputClaimIfMatched"
                                    Value="password" />
                <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="copiedPassword"
                             TransformationClaimType="outputClaim" />
                    <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="isLongTermPwd"
                                 TransformationClaimType="regexCompareResultClaim" />
From the basic claims password is defined as usual:
    <ClaimType Id="password">
        <UserHelpText>Enter password</UserHelpText>

And then it breaks in the technical profile "LocalAccountSignUpWithLogonEmail", when I call the output claim transformation CheckIfLongTermPwd.

However, with a little debugging, I found out that if Password in password is String, it works but unfortunately, the user can see the password when he/she is typing it.

Any ideas on how to solve this?


  • B2C doesn't allow you to play with passwords, it is impossible to copy the password, for security reasons, therefore, this can't be done and I need to look for another solution.