I have an nbInput with FormControl: https://akveo.github.io/nebular/docs/components/input/overview#nbinputdirective
I want to access this in controller using @ViewChild but it returns undefined. Following is my code:
<nb-icon nbPrefix [icon]="vm.icon"></nb-icon>
placeholder="{{ vm.placeholder }}"
<nb-rangepicker #datePicker></nb-rangepicker>
@ViewChild('inputField') inputField: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
console.log(this.inputField); //returns undefined
Since you use rxLet
the viewchild won't be available at afterViewInit
You have 2 possibilites :
so you will get a call once the child is set.ViewChildren
and use ViewChildren.changes
to get a notification when there is a change on number of items (in your case from 0 to 1 child).