I struggle a lot from this topic. I want to pass variable tmp_sell
from AllProductsChoose component into QuoteAdd, the variable tmp_sell
is really in component AllProductsChoose but when I try to pass the float, it only gives me 0? Here is the component (Click Here and will calculate the total sells value, dynmaic, some are 1000, some are 2000 tmp_sell will calculate the total)
<tr @click.prevent="choosenOneProduct($event,p, i);" @change="emitEventChanged">
<td> (Click Here) </td>
choosenOneProduct(ev, p, i){
var choose_product_ref = firebase.firestore().collection("all_products").where("p_fullname", "==", p.p_fullname);
choose_product_ref.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
snapshot.docs.forEach(d => {
this.tmp_sell = this.tmp_sell + tmp_one_sell; //correct value
this.$root.$emit('tmp_sell', this.tmp_sell);
in my Main.vue
<input @change="getTmpSell" @tmp_sell="getTmpSell" />
export default{
this.tmp_sell = dest; //nothing here as well.
console.log('received value ', dest); //nothing
document.getElementById('q_subtotal').value = this.tmp_sell;
I want input tag q_subtotal
will show the tmp_sell
in the input field, I do props in Main.vue and this.tmp_sell
works find on components? What things I miss to pass component variable to the Main.vue? Any help would appreciated.
Check the answers for Vue Component Basics:
const { createApp, ref } = Vue;
const QuoteAdd = {
emits: ['update:modelValue'],
props: {
modelValue: {
type: Number,
required: true
setup(props, context) {
const choosenOneProduct = (event) => {
context.emit('update:modelValue', props.modelValue + 1);
return { choosenOneProduct }
template: `<hr/><b>QuoteAdd</b><br/>
modelValue: {{modelValue}}
<button @click="choosenOneProduct($event);">+1</button>`
const App = {
components: { QuoteAdd },
setup() {
const tmp_sell = ref(0)
return { tmp_sell }
const app = createApp(App)
#app { line-height: 1.75; }
[v-cloak] { display: none; }
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<input type="number" v-model="tmp_sell" />
<quote-add v-model="tmp_sell"></quote-add>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>