
Change scrapy settings via api

I use scrapy and scrapyd and send some custom settings via api (with Postman software).
Photo of the request: enter image description here

For example, I send the value of start_urls through api and it works correctly.
Now the problem is that I cannot apply the settings that I send through the api in my crawl.
For example, I send the CONCURRENT_REQUESTS value, but it is not applied. If we can bring self in the update_settings function, the problem will be solved, but an error will occur.
My code:

from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
from kavoush.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor as LinkExtractor
from kavoush.items import PageLevelItem

my_settings = {}

class PageSpider(CrawlSpider):
 name = 'github'

 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   self.start_urls = kwargs.get('host_name')
   self.allowed_domains = [self.start_urls]
   my_settings['CONCURRENT_REQUESTS']= int(kwargs.get('num_con_req'))'CONCURRENT_REQUESTS? {my_settings}')

   self.rules = (
   super(PageSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

   #custom_settings = {

 def update_settings(cls, settings):
    settings.setdict(cls.custom_settings or {}, priority='spider')

 def parse(self,response):
    loader = ItemLoader(item=PageLevelItem(), response=response)
    loader.add_xpath('page_source_html_lang', "//html/@lang")
    yield loader.load_item()

 def errback_domain(self, failure):

How can I change the settings through api and Postman?
I brought CONCURRENT_REQUESTS settings as an example in the above example, in some cases up to 10 settings may need to be changed through api.

If we remove my_settings = {} and update_settings and the commands are as follows, an error occurs (KeyError: 'CONCURRENT_REQUESTS') when running scrapyd-deploy because CONCURRENT_REQUESTS does not have a value at that moment.
Part of the above scenario code:

class PageSpider(CrawlSpider):
 name = 'github'

 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  self.start_urls = kwargs.get('host_name')
  self.allowed_domains = [self.start_urls]
  my_settings['CONCURRENT_REQUESTS']= int(kwargs.get('num_con_req'))'CONCURRENT_REQUESTS? {my_settings}')

  self.rules = (
  super(PageSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

 custom_settings = {

thanks to everyone


  • I can with 100% confidence say that in scrapy user does't have possibility to update spider settings during runtime (from spider.__init as attepmted on code from question)

    By the moment when spider.__init__ method called scrapy application already initialised the process using settings received earlier: from base settings, project settings, spider's custom_settings(that hardcoded in spider's source code.

    Related issues on scrapy github issue tracker:

    According to scrapyd docs to transfer scrapy settings is require to set setting=DOWNLOAD_DELAY=2 in query to scrapyd/schedule. As far as I know this is the only supported way to transfer settings in scrapyd.