I'm implementing a daterangepicker into my application and am wondering how to confine each month to ONLY that month. For example:
I would like this (see the left hand calendar):
But the default is like this
I've reviewed the DateRangePicker Documentation and cannot see a configuration that will do this for me.
My DateRangePicker initilization:
"Last Week": [moment().subtract("days", moment().day() + 1).subtract("days", 6), moment().subtract("days", moment().day() + 1)]
"Week to Date": [moment().subtract("days", moment().day()), moment()]
"Last Month": [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]
startDate: moment().subtract("days", moment().day() + 1).subtract("days", 6)
endDate: moment().subtract("days", moment().day() + 1),
alwaysShowCalendars: true
, (start, end, label) ->
$("#reportrange span").html start.format("MMMM D, YYYY") + " - " + end.format("MMMM D, YYYY")
$("[name*='_start_date']").val(start.format("ddd, D MMM YYYY"))
$("[name*='_end_date']").val(end.format("ddd, D MMM YYYY")).trigger 'change'
My DateRangePicker Frontend with ruby templating
%h3 Select Date Range
%span= "#{(DateTime.now - (DateTime.now.wday + 1) - 6).strftime("%B %d, %Y")} - #{(DateTime.now - (DateTime.now.wday + 1)).strftime("%B %d, %Y")} "
=hidden_field_tag "charge_start_date", DateTime.now.prev_month.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y")
=hidden_field_tag "charge_end_date", DateTime.now.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y")
=render :partial => "user_charge_data_display", :locals => {users: @users, start_range: (DateTime.now - 30), end_range: DateTime.now}
I went through the documentation and couldn't find the way to do it programmatically, using developers' provided configuration.
However, in such situation, you can always go with CSS work-around, by applying visibility: hidden;
to the CSS class of the items that are beyond the current month date.
Here's what I did:
.daterangepicker td.off, .daterangepicker td.off.in-range, .daterangepicker td.off.start-date, .daterangepicker td.off.end-date {
visibility: hidden;
And here's the result: