
Are the View Model equals to the View in UML?

I am studying UML OOA and OOD. There are two concepts View Model and View in "Kruchten 4+1 view model":

enter image description here

enter image description here

The terms are not all identical. Do these two picture mean the same thing?


  • In short

    Yes, these two view models are the same. It's a slight terminological evolution made by Krutchen himself: the former development view is now the implementation view, and the physical view became the deployment view.

    While this terminology was influenced by UML, UML does not use these views at all.

    More details

    The view model is a general term that refers to the use of different views to analyse or design a same system under different angles:

    UML specifications do not refer to 4+1 views at all. UML's view model is based on semantic areas that are reflected in the diagram types. On Wikipedia, you'll find an article on 4+1 architectural view model with a mapping from the view with their old terminology, to UML diagram types, but this is not authoritative and Krutchen's article uses a different one.