
How to send markdown over a REST API, and render it in the frontend

So I'm trying to convert a markdown file and send it over a rest API, and render it in the frontend. The problem is that the newlines, and other things get lost while trying to convert it back.

How do I render it back in a way that the original markdown is preserved?

Is there a standard way of doing this?

Tried to convert markdown by json.stringify, sent it over the api, tried to convert it back to markdown but doesn't work like original anymore.


  • You can either send the original file as a string, or if that is not an option, you can format the object with this function:

    const object = {a:[15,3457,15,"afbsv",[4,34,36],{
      l: "dsfvszd",
      qwe: 238475463,
      iuggbsf: ["AEfs",],
    function format(object) {
      let result = "";
      processObject(object, 2);
      function processObject(object, depth, isObjectValue = false, trailingComma = "") {
        if (Array.isArray(object)) {
          result += `${isObjectValue ? "&nbsp;" : "<br>" + "&nbsp;".repeat(depth - 2)}[`;
          for (let i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
            const element = object[i],
              trailingComma = i + 1 === object.length ? "" : ",";
            switch (typeof element) {
              case "object":
                processObject(element, depth + 2, false, trailingComma);
              case "string":
                result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth)}"${element}"${trailingComma}`;
              case "number":
                result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth) + element}${trailingComma}`;
          result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth - 2)}]${trailingComma}`;
        } else {
          result += `${isObjectValue ? "&nbsp;" : "<br>" + "&nbsp;".repeat(depth - 2)}{`;
          let keyIndex = 0,
            keyCount = Object.keys(object).length;
          for (key in object) {
            const value = object[key],
              trailingComma = ++keyIndex === keyCount ? "" : ",";
            switch (typeof value) {
              case "object":
                result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth)}"${key}":`;
                processObject(value, depth + 2, true, trailingComma);
              case "string":
                result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth)}"${key}": "${value}"${trailingComma}`;
              case "number":
                result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth)}"${key}": ${value}${trailingComma}`;
          result += `<br>${"&nbsp;".repeat(depth - 2)}}${trailingComma}`;
      return result;

    Just use format(objectGoesHere) and it will return a string that is formatted for HTML.