
NelmioApiDoc model definition / how to ignore getter or alias to existing property with other name?

Can we overwride model accessor property name or ignore it?

Here my User::getUsername function which is an getter for email property (I need this function named like that to implement interface):

class User extends AbstractDocument implements AdvancedUserInterface, EquatableInterface
     * @var string
     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @Assert\Email()
     * @SWG\Property(
     *     description="The email of the user",
     *     example="example@company.com"
     * )
    private $email;


     * Returns the username used to authenticate the user.
     * @return string The user email
     * @SWG\Property(property="email")
    public function getUsername()
        return $this->email;

And the generated doc is still showing both:

  "User": {
        "description":"The email of the user",

Can you help me with that ?


  • NelmioApiDoc respects the Ignore attribute, so you can hide the method/field like this:

    use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Ignore;
     * @Ignore
    public function getUsername()
    // or
    public function getUsername()