New to python and programming in general, I'm struggling to get this program to run correctly. It has to:
So the input test file says :
"This is a
test file
to see if
the program works."
The output text file should say:
Line Number: 1
Number of vowels in line 1: 3
Number of words in line 1: 3
Line Number: 2
Number of vowels in line 2: 3
Number of words in line 2: 2
// etc. Then at the bottom:
Total number of vowels in the file: 14
Total number of words in the file: 11
Instead, depending on the loop statement I try to use I either get infinite lines, two lines, or 8 lines. And the count for words and vowels is off.
Here's what I have so far based on what we've learned in class:
fileIn = open(input("File name: "), 'r')
fileOut = open("answer.txt", 'w')
numLines = 0
totVowels = 0
totWords = 0
for line in fileIn:
line = fileIn.readline()
if line != "":
numLines += 1
numWords = len(line.split(" "))
fileOut.write("Line number: %0d" % numLines)
numA = line.count('A')
numE = line.count('E')
numI = line.count('I')
numO = line.count('O')
numU = line.count('U')
numLa = line.count('a')
numLe = line.count('e')
numLi = line.count('i')
numLo = line.count('o')
numLu = line.count('u')
numVowels = numA + numE + numI + numO + numU + numLa + numLe + numLi + numLo + numLu
fileOut.write("Number of vowels in line %0d: %0d" %(numLines, numVowels))
fileOut.write("Number of words in line %0d: %0d" %(numLines, numWords))
for lines in fileIn.readlines():
words2 = lines.split()
totWords += len(words2)
if 'a' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'e' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'i' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'o' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'u' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'A' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'E' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'I' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'O' in words2:
totVowels += 1
elif 'U' in words2:
totVowels += 1
fileOut.write("Total number of vowels in file: %0d" % totVowels)
fileOut.write("Total number of words in file: %0d" % totWords)
print("answer.txt file created.")
I honestly am really lost at this point, I've been going through my notes frantically trying to figure out what I'm missing but I'm hitting a wall, I'm tapped out mentally. I feel like I'm being thrown in the deep end but still haven't learned to swim yet. Any help or advise is appreciated.
It is working up to this point:
for line in fileIn:
What this does is iterate over the lines in fileIn
. So within that loop, line
is a str
with the text of one line. Count the number of words and vowels of that, and write those results to the output file. Then add those results to the totals. The loop will resume with the next lines.
Hence, you do not need to call readline()
or readlines()
Then after the loop, write the totals to the output file.
So it should look something like this
totalVowels = 0
totalWords = 0
for line in fileIn:
numVowels = count_vowels(line)
numWords = count_words(line)
write(numVowels, numWords)
totalVowels += numVowels
totalWords += numWords