I have 2 list, which i would like to iterate through and capture the selection/input from user.
list1 = ['E1', 'E2', 'E3']
list2 = ['api1', 'api2', 'api3', 'api4']
def display_option(options):
for env_option, type in enumerate(options,1):
print("\t{}. {}".format(env_option, type))
def select_option_from_list_of_values(item):
while True:
print("this option available for selection:")
option = input("Please enter the option: ")
not sure how to iterate through, i want to display result something like below :
this option available for selection:
1. E1
2. E2
3. E3
Please enter the option: 2
this option available for selection
1. api1
2. api2
3. api3
4. api4
Please enter the option: 3
NOTE: I am new to python. Appreciate all the help.
I tried writing a basic loop function to iterate through list's but unsuccessful.
You have the code, you just didn't validate and return the value you fetched.
list1 = ['E1', 'E2', 'E3']
list2 = ['api1', 'api2', 'api3', 'api4']
def display_option(options):
for env_option, text in enumerate(options,1):
print("\t{}. {}".format(env_option, text))
def select_option_from_list_of_values(item):
while True:
print("this option available for selection:")
option = input("Please enter the option: ")
option = int(option)
if option-1 < len(item):
return option
print("Out of range")
i = select_option_from_list_of_values(list1)
j = select_option_from_list_of_values(list2)
Error checking is an exercise left to reader. (Like, what if they don't enter an integer?