
Citation Style Language (CSL): Find style by scheme

I want to set up an environment for scientific writing in Quarto. My question is: How do I find a citation style out of the comprehensive CSL options that represents a given scheme? I want the references for scientific papers to look like this:

AuthorSurname, AuthorFirstname (Year): Article Title, in: Journal Title, Issue, Number, Pages.

Most citation styles that I find do not put the year between brackets but separate from author names by comma. Also, in most cases, there is a dot between year and article title, not a colon. Thanks for your help.


  • You can use the "Search by Example" tool of the visual CSL editor to identify similar/identical styles to a pattern. Make sure you use the example metadata given on the left for your scheme.

    If you can't find what you need, you can request a style from CSL, though note that the volunteers working on this typically only do styles for journals, publishers, or major style guides for free.