
cURL with Classic ASP

I'm trying to get SyncCentric to work with a legacy Classic ASP site that is currently using Amzpecty.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

The cURL request should be:

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-token" \
  -d "identifiers[0][identifier]=B00YECW5VM" \
  -d "identifiers[0][type]=asin" \
  -d "identifiers[1][identifier]=B00USV83JQ" \
  -d "identifiers[1][type]=asin" \

The ASP code I was going to use is below, but I have no idea how to convert the cURL request into the data string:

Dim http: Set http = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Dim url: url = ""
Dim data: data = ""

With http
  Call .Open("POST", url, False)
  Call .SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  Call .SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "My API key")
  Call .Send(data)
End With

If Left(http.Status, 1) = 2 Then
  'Request succeeded with a HTTP 2xx response, do something...
  'Output error
  Call Response.Write("Server returned: " & http.Status & " " & http.StatusText)
End If


  • The clue is in the CURL man page, under the -d, --data <data> section:

    If any of these options is used more than once on the same command line, the data pieces specified will be merged with a separating &-symbol. Thus, using '-d name=daniel -d skill=lousy' would generate a post chunk that looks like 'name=daniel&skill=lousy'.

    So you need to specify the key=value separated by an ampersand as you would with a raw HTTP POST.

    Dim http: Set http = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    Dim url: url = ""
    Dim data: data = "identifiers[0][identifier]=B00YECW5VM&identifiers[0][type]=asin&identifiers[1][identifier]=B00USV83JQ&identifiers[1][type]=asin"
    With http
      Call .Open("POST", url, False)
      Call .SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
      Call .SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer your-api-token")
      Call .Send(data)
    End With
    If Left(http.Status, 1) = 2 Then
      'Request succeeded with a HTTP 2xx response, do something...
      'Output error
      Call Response.Write("Server returned: " & http.Status & " " & http.StatusText)
    End If

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