
GA4 : Custom Dimension displays the value in exponential form

I am currently working on GA4 migration. We have a custom dimension that receives value in number format with 37 digits. But the value of the custom dimension is populated in the exponential format in real time report, custom report and the application that receives the data.

Actual dimension value: 86594184624443841463509305394505323179

GA4 Custom Dimension value : 8.65941846244438E+37  

With UA, we are not facing this issue. The value is received as it is. Kindly help us to understand why the value is converted in GA4. Please provide any suggestions on how to solve this issue?

Thank you!!


  • It's GA4 bug. Try adding a dot (or other symbol, not a number) at the end of your value (example: 86594184624443841463509305394505323179.) I send to GA4 Client ID (string) as CD and GA4 transforms it to the number. So I have to add a dot at the end and then delete it in the exported reports.