I have a test suite designed using Cypress. In recent times I have integrated it with BrowserStack Automate to overcome some proxy issues. However the test suite is executing well, I am not happy with the way BrowserStack reports look. So, I want to know whether it can be integrated with Allure to get a beautiful report?
I have code that works perfectly to generate allure reports with cypress alone command
npx cypress run --env allure=true
But when I try the same using BrowserStack integrated cypress command, allure-results folder isn't getting generated
browserstack-cypress run --sync --env allure=true
Please try adding the following to your browserstack.json file:
"run_settings": {
"downloads": ["./results", "./allure-results"],
"package_config_options": {
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": {
"nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true
And make sure that the necessary packages too are included, and this should help you achieve generating the Allure reports.