I am trying to use Suspense component to show the loading state of dynamic components in my app. But here I come across the scenario where both keep-alive and Suspense require on single root node.
<template #fallback>
<img src="@/assets/images/auth-decoration.png" />
However in the below code even if have only one root node inside of Suspense. It gives me this error.
[Vue warn]: <Suspense> slots expect a single root node.
I am doing exactly as said in the vue docs. Is there any thing that I am missing? I am using Nuxt 3.2.3
I found the issue. I was stupid not enough to figure out I was using two html elements node inside of <template #fallback>. Updated my code and boom the suspense works like charm.
<template #fallback>
// Only one root node here
<img src="@/assets/images/auth-decoration.png" />