
How can we create an node with manual query in spring data neo4j?

Create an node manually via repo interface but neo4j driver internally raise an exception as

Caused by: org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Invalid input '{': expected a parameter (line 1, column 22 (offset: 21))
"CREATE(a:Association {a.name:{0}}) RETURN true"

Below is the code snippet:

    public interface AssociationRepo extends Neo4jRepository {
     @Query("CREATE(a:Association {a.name:{0}}) RETURN a") -- what is wrong in this line ?
     Association addAssociation(String name);


Caller code :

   ` @Override
    public boolean addAssociationToCountry(String countryCode, Association association) {    
     return true;


I checked whole of internet but didn't find any solution.`


  • You are very close to the right syntax. The problem is the node name, you are using within the curly brackets.

    Instead of (a:Association {a.name:{0}}) it should be (a:Association {name:{0}}) because the node boundaries already define that the properties belong to this very node.