When deploying a new Container instance from the jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest image, using this simple test:
az container create -g Observabilty --name test --image jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
I get this error
(InaccessibleImage) The image 'jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest' in container group
'test' is not accessible. Please check the image and registry credential.
Code: InaccessibleImage
When I do it locally, it works fine, using for example:
docker pull jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
Anyone who can help me figure out why it does not work?
Deploying other public Docker Hub images to ACI works fine, like:
az container create -g Observabilty --name test2 --image grafana/grafana:latest
You can follow below approach to push public Docker hub image to Azure Container Instances.
I also getting same error when I tried to push the same image to Azure Container Instances.
As far I know, there is an issue with particular registry.
If you want to use same image, use below steps.
Step 1: Pull the same image to local as below.
docker pull jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
docker images
Change the Tag once you pull the image to local as below.
docker tag jaegertracing/all-in-one venkatv1206/all-in-one:latest ```
Note: venkatv1206 is my docker registry username.
Publish same image to your personal Docker Hub as below.
docker push venkatv1206/all-in-one
Once push image to Docker hub, verify the same in docker hub as below.
az container create -g <resourcegroupname> --name test --image venkatv1206/all-in-one:latest