I'm new to React and NextJs. I want to get the height of an element and depending on its height, to show or not to show the More...
What I've tried is this:
import {useRef, useState} from "react";
const MyText = (props) => {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState(null)
const setContent = (e) => {
const myRef = useRef(null)
const needsMoreButton = () => {
console.log(myRef) // It's null
console.log(myState) // It's null too!
return (
<p ref={myRef} onLoad={setContent} className="max-h-20 overflow-hidden">If it has multiple lines of text, to show "More..." and if it has only one line of text, not to show "More..."</p>
needsMoreButton() && <button>More...</button>
export default MyText
So it seems the onLoad
is not triggered and myRef
is not filled with the p tag.
The onLoad event is not supported by the p element, so it won't work as you expect. Instead, you can use the useEffect hook to calculate the height of the element after it has been rendered.
import {useRef, useState, useEffect} from "react";
const MyText = (props) => {
const [needsMoreButton, setNeedsMoreButton] = useState(false)
const myRef = useRef(null)
useEffect(() => {
const height = myRef.current.clientHeight
setNeedsMoreButton(height > 20) // or any other threshold you choose
}, [])
return (
<p ref={myRef} className="max-h-20 overflow-hidden">If it has multiple
lines of text, to show "More..." and if it has only one line of text, not
to show "More..."</p>
needsMoreButton && <button>More...</button>
export default MyText