How do I return values of a resource through another resource?
If I have a pivot table inbetween (many to many relationship), does something change, other than the model function $this->hasMany(AnotherModel::class, 'pivottable')
For example:
There's a table called "tags", and another table called "tagtranslations"
"tag" only has an ID and timestamps "tagtranslations" has id, tag_id, title, slug and timestamps
There are TagResource and TagTranslationResource
In TagTranslationResource I'm returning the "toArray"
public function toArray($request)
return parent::toArray($request);
and in TagResource I'm returning
'id' => $this->id,
'title' => TagTranslationResource::collection($this->title),
'slug' => TagTranslationResource::collection($this->slug)
and in Controller I'm calling back Tag with tagtranslations
public function index(Request $request)
$tags = Tag::with('tagtranslation')->get();
//return $tags;
return TagResource::collection($tags);
when, in TagResource I call, for example
return [
'title' => new TagResource($this->title),
'slug' => new TagResource($this->slug)
I only get null fields in my JSON api response
and the response I get for the
'title' => TagTranslationResource::collection($this->title)
is an error "Call to a member function first() on null"
Can someone please explain what's happening here? :D
I also tried with
but it can't convert to string
If i understand it correctly the problem is: TagTranslationResource::collection() expect to receive a collection and you are passing just the title and the slug.
How would I do it:
public function index(Request $request)
return TagResource::collection(
return [
'id' => $this->id,
'any_other_tag_field' => $this->any_other_tag_field,
'tagtranslation' => TagTranslationResource::collection($this->tagtranslation),
return [
'title' => $this->title,
'slug' => $this->slug
If you want to know a bit more, here is the link of the official docs
And here an article I wrote about api resources.
I hope it help you.