Following previous question,enter link description here I have extra informations with my data,I included the gene with the data. Since same gene were predicted as different enzyme, results were combined as "+" sign, but now I would like to split the results as given her below My dataframe look like following
df <-data.frame(Gene= c("A", "B", "C","D","E","F"),
G1=c("GH13_22+CBM4", "GH109+PL7+GH9","GT57", "AA3","",""),
G2=c("GH13_22","","GT57+GH15","AA3", "GT41","PL+PL2"),
G3=c("GH13", "GH1O9","", "CBM34+GH13+CBM48", "GT41","GH16+CBM4+CBM54+CBM32"))
and output if like this one down here
df2<-data.frame(Gene= c("A","A","B", "B","B","C","C","D","D","D","E","F","F","F","F"),
G2=c("GH13_22","GH13_22","","","","GT57","GH15","AA3","AA3","AA3", "GT41","PL","PL2","",""),
G3=c("GH13","","GH1O9","GH1O9", "GH1O9","","","CBM34","GH13","CBM48", "GT41","GH16","CBM4","CBM54","CBM32"))
Kindly help
It was harder than I thought but here's a way.
The main idea is to use the function str_split_fixed
to split string and return a fixed number of separated values, with ""
padded if the input is too short. Note: I selected 4 here, but you can choose an upper bound much higher to accommodate for longer strings.
df[-1] <- lapply(df[-1], \(x) asplit(str_split_fixed(x, "\\+", 4), 1))
# Gene G1 G2 G3
#1 A GH13_22, CBM4, , GH13_22, , , GH13, , ,
#2 B GH109, PL7, GH9, , , , GH1O9, , ,
#3 C GT57, , , GT57, GH15, , , , ,
#4 D AA3, , , AA3, , , CBM34, GH13, CBM48,
#5 E , , , GT41, , , GT41, , ,
#6 F , , , PL, PL2, , GH16, CBM4, CBM54, CBM32
This results in a data.frame with G1:G3 as column-matrix, i.e. each element is a matrix of size 1 x 4. Then, the remaining code unnest
s the matrices to multiple elements in long format, replace empty strings with NAs, remove rows with only NAs, and then fill
the remaining values by group:
unnest_longer(df, col = G1:G3) %>%
mutate(across(G1:G3, ~ na_if(.x, ""))) %>%
filter(if_any(G1:G3, complete.cases)) %>%
group_by(Gene) %>%
Gene G1 G2 G3
1 A GH13_22 GH13_22 GH13
2 A CBM4 GH13_22 GH13
3 B GH109 <NA> GH1O9
4 B PL7 <NA> GH1O9
5 B GH9 <NA> GH1O9
6 C GT57 GT57 <NA>
7 C GT57 GH15 <NA>
8 D AA3 AA3 CBM34
9 D AA3 AA3 GH13
10 D AA3 AA3 CBM48
11 E <NA> GT41 GT41
12 F <NA> PL GH16
13 F <NA> PL2 CBM4
14 F <NA> PL2 CBM54
15 F <NA> PL2 CBM32