How can I read at the position relative to end of the file via IoUring? I have a file that contains the metadata in the end of the file because of single pass writing. Now, I want to read the file via IoUring for efficiency, therefore I have to read the metadata in the first step.
Read it via blocking IO is simple, we can use lseek
to seek to the position(
in rust) and then read from it. However, after some search, I found IoUring does not have an operation named seek. So maybe we can use the pos = file.read_at(file_size - meta_size)
to achieve it. But how can we get the file size? Using stat syscall may cause blocking...
This example was for me the occasion to discover io-uring
One solution is to call statx()
as file-descriptor in order to state that the path is relative to the current directory.
The path provided to this call is supposed to be null-terminated, hence the conversion into CString
Another solution is to call statx()
with an already open file-descriptor, an empty null-terminated string as filename and the AT_EMPTY_PATH
Note that this example is not representative of a normal usage because it does not take any advantage of the asynchronous nature of the API; we submit and wait for every single operation in a synchronous manner.
// io-uring = ">=0"
// libc = ">=0"
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
fn file_size_by_name(
ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
filename: &str,
) -> Result<usize> {
let user_data = 0xdead;
let filename = std::ffi::CString::new(filename)?;
let mut statxbuf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::statx>::zeroed();
let entry = io_uring::opcode::Statx::new(
statxbuf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
unsafe {
let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no statx entry")?;
if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
Err("invalid user_data")?
} else if cqe.result() < 0 {
Err(format!("statx error: {}", cqe.result()))?
} else {
Ok(unsafe { statxbuf.assume_init_ref() }.stx_size as usize)
fn file_size(
ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
fd: &std::fs::File,
) -> Result<usize> {
let user_data = 0xdead;
let mut statxbuf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::statx>::zeroed();
let entry = io_uring::opcode::Statx::new(
statxbuf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
unsafe {
let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no statx entry")?;
if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
Err("invalid user_data")?
} else if cqe.result() < 0 {
Err(format!("statx error: {}", cqe.result()))?
} else {
Ok(unsafe { statxbuf.assume_init_ref() }.stx_size as usize)
fn read_bytes(
ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
fd: &std::fs::File,
offset: usize,
buffer: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<usize> {
let user_data = 0xbeef;
let entry = io_uring::opcode::Read::new(
buffer.len() as _,
.offset64(offset as _)
unsafe {
let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no read entry")?;
if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
Err("invalid user_data")?
} else if cqe.result() < 0 {
Err(format!("read error: {}", cqe.result()))?
} else {
Ok(cqe.result() as usize)
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut ring = io_uring::IoUring::new(8)?;
let filename = "Cargo.lock";
let fd = std::fs::File::open(filename)?;
let size = file_size(&mut ring, &fd)?;
println!("{:?} contains {} bytes", filename, size);
"by name: {:?} contains {} bytes",
file_size_by_name(&mut ring, filename)?
let mut meta = [0; 10];
let amount = read_bytes(&mut ring, &fd, size - meta.len(), &mut meta)?;
println!("last {} bytes: {:?}", amount, &meta[..amount]);
"Cargo.lock" contains 811 bytes
by name: "Cargo.lock" contains 811 bytes
last 10 bytes: [34, 108, 105, 98, 99, 34, 44, 10, 93, 10]