
How do I install the 'collectd' Redis plugin on Amazon Linux 2?

How do I install the 'collectd' Redis plugin on Amazon Linux 2?

When I run yum list | grep collectd, I do not see Redis. How do I install the Redis plugin for 'collectd'?


  • The redis plugin for collectd may not be available in the default repositories. You can try adding the EPEL repository and then installing the plugin using the following steps:

    1. Install the EPEL repository:
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
    1. Install collectd and the redis plugin:
    sudo yum install collectd collectd-redis
    1. Configure the redis plugin by editing the collectd configuration file:
    sudo vi /etc/collectd.conf

    Add the following lines to the file:

    LoadPlugin redis
    <Plugin redis>
      <Node "mynode">
        Host "localhost"
        Port "6379"
        Redis_version 5
        Redis_key "myrediskey"
        Redis_field "myredisfield"
    1. Restart the collectd service:
    sudo systemctl restart collectd

    Note: Make sure that redis is already installed and running on your system before attempting to install and configure the collectd plugin.