How do I install the 'collectd' Redis plugin on Amazon Linux 2?
When I run yum list | grep collectd
, I do not see Redis. How do I install the Redis plugin for 'collectd'?
The redis plugin for collectd may not be available in the default repositories. You can try adding the EPEL repository and then installing the plugin using the following steps:
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum install collectd collectd-redis
sudo vi /etc/collectd.conf
Add the following lines to the file:
LoadPlugin redis
<Plugin redis>
<Node "mynode">
Host "localhost"
Port "6379"
Redis_version 5
Redis_key "myrediskey"
Redis_field "myredisfield"
sudo systemctl restart collectd
Note: Make sure that redis is already installed and running on your system before attempting to install and configure the collectd plugin.