
Next.js Link component not added to DOM with child component?

There's plenty of information about how to use Next.js' Link module if the child itself has an <a> tag within it (passHref), but there seems to be no indication that this should be needed for child component that aren't creating their own <a> tag. But I have run into a situation where a "decorator" component being a child of a Link component causes the link to not get rendered at all.

import React from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import type { NextPage } from 'next'

interface Props {
  children: string

// A simple functional component that transforms its child to more readable form
const HexString = ({ children: hex }: Props)  => {
  const shortHex = hex.substring(0, 8) + '...' + hex.substring(hex.length - 6)
  return (
    <span title={hex} className="hex-string">

// Page component wishing to use that decorator inside a Link
const MyPage: NextPage = () => {
  return (
      <Link href="/index">
export default MyPage

What gets rendered to the page is only the hex-string span and its contents. The <a> tag the Link is supposed to add is not in the DOM.

How can I get the Link component to properly render an anchor tag around this styled span tag from another component?


  • This is a difference in behavior between Next.js v12 and v13. Details about this change are in This is not yet in the documentation because it's an "experimental" feature)

    In versions 12 and less, the behavior was to not include a literal anchor tag for Link:

    // Renders: <strong onClick={nextLinkClickHandler}>Hello</strong>. No `<a>` is included.
    <Link href="/about">
    // Renders: <strong onClick={nextLinkClickHandler}>Hello</strong>. No `<a>` is included.
    <Link href="/about">
      <CustomComponent />

    Note this happens when the child of a Link component is either a custom component (as this question shows) or an HTML tag.

    In Next.js v13, this will be changing to always render an <a> anchor tag wrapped around those child components.

    In Next.js v12, that behavior can be opted-into by setting the experimental.newNextLinkBehavior flag.

    So, to ensure that an anchor tag is always present, either set experimental.newNextLinkBehavior to true (if using Next.js v12), or add an empty <a> tag around the child component:

    // Page component wishing to use that decorator inside a Link
    const MyPage: NextPage = () => {
      return (
          <Link href="/index">