
What does this link type mean in diagram?

I have tried to make component diagram by using plantuml.

I want to represent tcp connection between two modules, so I am learning how to make component diagrams.

In the midst of studying, I found a link that I don't know what it means.

enter image description here

(from PlantUML website)

Is the link type shown in the link above suitable for expressing tcp connection? If not, what type of link should be used to express the tcp connection between the two modules?

Thanks for reading my question!


  • Only the middle two are valid UML connectors. They symbolize a socket-lollipop connection. You use them in a draft (mainly). In a more detailed view you would replace/adorn them with ports and interfaces connected with information flows. But at your stage these connectors are fine. The lollipop side represents a provided and the socket a required interface.

    Note that the clouds are stereotyped elements. So their meaning depends on a profile where they are defined. You should use general component elements instead: enter image description here