I have table called beacons which has PrimaryCode, SecondaryCode and Description I need to retrieve the full code from aonther table called data and split that code into Left$ and Right$ so that it matches the PrimaryCode and Secondary code, then I can get the Description. The full code is 000A0A003 so the left I capture 6 chars and the right I capture 3 chars from the Access current record to find a match in the array ABeacons.
I have tried this but no good
If IsEmpty(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary) = False Then
fullvalue = (VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary)
leftvalue = Left$(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary, 6)
rightvalue = Right$(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary, 3)
If ABeacons(I).PrimaryCode = leftvalue Then
'MsgBox ("found left value" & leftvalue)
If leftvalue = ABeacons(I).PrimaryCode And rightvalue = ABeacons(I).SecondaryCode Then
MsgBox (ABeacons(I).Description)
End If
End If
End If
You probably want to loop through the values in your ABeacons
array to look for a match:
If IsEmpty(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary) = False Then
fullvalue = (VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary)
leftvalue = Left$(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary, 6)
rightvalue = Right$(VcurrentRecord(0).VOBeaconCodePrimary, 3)
Dim iCounter As Integer
For iCounter = LBound(ABeacons) To UBound(ABeacons)
If ABeacons(iCounter).PrimaryCode = leftvalue Then
If leftvalue = ABeacons(iCounter).PrimaryCode And rightvalue = ABeacons(iCounter).SecondaryCode Then
End If
End If
End If