I have a website that I have rebuilt using Nuxt 3. Backlinks exists on numerous platforms and I need the old links to point to the new pages. Example: old(website.com/contact.html) new(website.com/contact)
I tried using middleware, but after deploying it, I get this error: 502 Error decoding lambda response
In my middleware/redirect folder I have this:
const redirects = [{
'from' : '/contact.html',
'to' : '/contact'
export default function (req, res, next) {
const redirect = redirects.find((r)=> r.from === req.url)
if (redirect) {
res.writeHead(301, { Location: redirect.to })
} else {
It works locally but not after deploying to netlify!
and I added this to my nuxtconfig file:
serverMiddleware: [
I thought that this middleware would act as a net to catch any req to the old contacts.html page and redirect them to the new contact page. but instead it sends that lambda error which I looked around and have not found a solid fix for. I am open to any solution including a different way of redirecting! Thank you!
You can achieve redirections without middlewares by using the redirect
option inside routeRules
in nuxt.config.ts
as below:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
routeRules: {
'/contact.html': { redirect: '/contact' },
'/external-route': { redirect: 'https://example.com' },
you can also define a new route that can be redirected to any internal or external page.
More rules options can be found here: https://nitro.unjs.io/config/#routerules, which mentioned in the official doc