
Not Able To HIVE databases in Databricks Community Edition

I have been using Databricks Edition for many years now, and suddenly I'm no longer able to view HIVE databases. I'm getting the following message when I select Data enter image description here I normally see my HIVE database here. Has there been a massive change?


  • My bad @Patterson, it was not meant to be an answer...I am also dealing with this issue... But if you want to see your hive database(s), I would recommend you to enable DBFS by following these steps (see image below):

    1. Go to the admin console.
    2. Click the Workspace Settings tab.
    3. In the Advanced section, click the DBFS File Browser toggle.
    4. Click Confirm.

    Once you do this refresh page and then you can access your file directory "DBFS". Under /user/hive/warehouse/ you will find your default database and other databases you might have created... However, the database(s) under "Database Tables" are still not showing, for me at least.

    I would recommend you to use these two statements to get more information about your schemas/databases:

    describe detail <schema>.<table_name>


    describe history <schema>.<table_name>

    I hope you can find your hive's databases.

    enter image description here